Sardinia 2011:

For more info's about logs please check out:


2m: OK3RM Zdeno & OK1NP Honza & DL6SH Slawek

70cm, 23cm, 13cm:  OK1DFC Zdenek

Transfer & Cluster: DL6SH Slawek, OK1DFC Zdenek


We appriciate the great supply and help  of our Sardinian friends!!

Mile grazie amici!


Moon EME DX Expedition:

Hi EME gang, after many works and changes we have ready EME DX pedition with
Zdenek OK3RM and Slawek DL6SH. In first we were expecting go to Albania ZA,
but situation in expected QTH is still not good enough. Mainly new diesel
generator is still not able support our traffic and due to many black outs
we decide to go visit other place.
We will be QRV on 22-23rd of October 2011 from IS0. So during ARRL EME
contest you have chance work with multiplier and for many new DXCC. Our plan
is to be QRV all the time 144 MHz with separate system. Than 432 MHz first
window in contest to Moonset for EU and W. Next Moonrise we will be 1296 MHz
QRV whole window and last Moonrise on Sunday we will be back on 432 MHz for
JA,VK,EU etc.
Monday after ARRL EME contest we expect to be QRV 2320 MHz all bands and
would like to try also 10GHz.
If all will be o.k. and WX permit I would like to try new tripod with HB9DRI
control system during MW ARRL EME on terrace. Then I will be on 10GHz with
3,2m portable dish and 2,3GHz with 10m dish.
So keep us cross a fingers and see you via Moon.
More details will follow on my web soon.

Zdenek - OK1DFC <>

Enjoy  pictures below: